Hello friends,
We’re starting off 2023 with an exciting issue!
David Mura shares the excerpt “The Absence of Racial Identity for White Characters” from his new book The Stories Whiteness Tells Itself: Myths and Our American Narratives, published by the University of Minnesota Press.
Marlon James calls Mura’s latest book “a reexamination of the American imagination itself and the myths we need to dismantle for a proper foundation to finally grow. It’s fearless, illuminating, and revolutionary.”
For their column, The First Time, Kirby writes about The Return of the Owl and how social media can sometimes be comforting.
My last solo book was published eight years ago, and with my debut story collection coming out in September, I feel like I’m learning the book business all over again, so I invite you to join me for a new series on Relearning the Book Business.
First up I write All About Pre-orders where I gain some new perspectives on book pre-orders from publishers, publicists, booksellers, authors, and readers.
And finally check out Issue 23’s Gatherings, a list of my recommended readings, viewings, calls, events, and more.
Tell me what you’ve been up to and introduce yourself and/or share your Substack or blog link.
Hope you’re having a great start to the new year!
Issue #23 of Send My Love to Anyone
An Excerpt from The Stories Whiteness Tells Itself: Myths and Our American Narratives by David Mura
The Return of the Owl by Kirby
Relearning the Book Business: All about pre-orders by Kathryn Mockler
Sign up for the Send My Love to Anyone Writing Prompts (free)
Sign up for the Watch Your Head Newsletter (free)
Hey Send My Love to Anyone contributors, drop me a line and let me know what you’ve been up to so I can share your news!
I’m also inviting past contributors to record their posts.
If you’d like to do this, please this let me know and send me an mp3 of your post.
Recommended Substacks
New year, new Substacks. There’s a burst of newsletters coming out, and this year more than any.
I recently did a workshop on writer newsletters for the Federation of BC Writers, and I plan to write a post reflecting on running a newsletter over the past two years with tips for those new to the newsletter game. Look for this post later in the spring.
I thought I would share some favourites.,
Tajja Isen (author of Some of My Best Friends) has a new Substack called the Creative Practice on finding the time to write.
Kathy Fish’s The Art of Flash Fiction has been a longtime favourite of mine. It’s a great newsletter for those looking for prompts and craft articles.
My Trainer Phil is literally my trainer, but he also has a great newsletter on health and fitness and offers group classes and personal training.
The Audacity by Roxane Gay is a newsletter I always look forward to in my inbox.
What are your favourite newsletters?
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Big heartfelt thanks to all of the paying subscribers who help make this project possible!
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