National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
September 30, 2021 marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Here are some recommended resources:
In 2015 the CBC published the 94 calls to action.
David Robertson writes about “How to Talk to Kids About The National Day For Truth and Reconciliation,” CBC
To find out more about the Indian Residential School System visit the Indian Residential School Survivors Society and consider donating.

Send My Love To Anyone | Issue 9
Hello friends,
In Issue 9 of Send My Love to Anyone, I interview Lee Henderson about his first memory of writing creatively and his latest book Disintegration in Four Parts (Coach House Books) with Jean Marc Ah-Sen, Emily Anglin, and Devon Code. The book is composed of each writer’s response to the line: "All purity is created by resemblance and disavowal."
We get a sneak peek from Dawn Dumont’s new novel The Prairie Chicken Dance Tour (Freehand Books), which is “loosely based — like, hospital-gown loose — on the true story of a group of Indigenous dancers who left Saskatchewan and toured through Europe in the 1970s.”
And I share two short stories from my prose series If I Die, Will You Die?
Hope you enjoy.
Micro Interview with Lee Henderson
Kathryn Mockler: What is your first memory of writing creatively?
Lee Henderson: As a kid, I was always drawing and making up stories, but the moment when it dawned on me this was something to take seriously was in Evan Hardy high school in Saskatoon, where my English teacher in grades eleven and twelve was Al Forrie, co-publisher of Thistledown Press, and he brought in all these authors for us to meet, like Lorna Crozier and Sean Virgo, but he also brought in Crad Kilodney, who completely blew my mind.
Read more here.
Excerpt from Dawn Dumont’s latest novel The Prairie Chicken Dance
It was John Greyeyes’s first time flying. And he wasn’t exactly nervous. More curious than anything, at this airport with so many people coming and going, shooting him curious looks as they passed. All monias. Not even a single brown, black, red, or yellow shade to draw the eye, which meant that he stood out like a donkey at a horse track with his long braids snaking out from under his cowboy hat down the sides of his chambray shirt. John hadn’t put too much thought into his attire. Someone could choke on the dust from his boots and, from the draft he was feeling, he was pretty sure his faded jeans had more than one hole and maybe one more wash left in them.
Read more here.
Except from If I Die, Will You Die? by Kathryn Mockler
The Sunburn
On a particularly hot day in July, The Past was sunbathing on the wood deck when The Future barked: —That’s not good for you.
Read more here.
Issue #9 of Send My Love to Anyone
Micro Interview with Lee Henderson
Excerpt from The Prairie Chicken Dance Tour by Dawn Dumont
Excerpt from If I Die, Will You Die? by Kathryn Mockler
September 2021 Recommendations
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